Mantosh Patnaik
PhD Student
Mantosh did his Masters in Neuroscience from the National Brain Research Centre, India. He further did a Research Assistantship with Prof. Nivethida Thirugnanasambandam, where he worked on a project analyzing structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging data from a large set of Parkinson's Disease patients curated from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative database in the hopes of identifying biomarkers that could be used in the early stages of the disease to predict the onset of dyskinesias later in life. He then joined the CoActions lab in December 2022 for his PhD.
Institute of Neuroscience
Université catholique Louvain
Ave Mounier 53 - Bte B1.53.04
1200 Bruxelles, Belgium
Other lab members
- Julie DUQUE, principal investigator
- Thomas CARSTEN
- Goldy YADAV
- Shiyong SU
- Ronan DENYER
- Fanny FIEVEZ
- Thibault FUMERY
- Fostine CHAISE
- Anaëlle SOILLE